Monday, May 14, 2012

Humbled by the FLU

Well isn't that the truth!  I try to take the very best care of myself,I promise.  I know I can not afford to be sick!!!  I have a family to take care of!!!...Sound familiar?  Well when the kids came home with the funk on Monday of last week, I went into super mode, nursing them back to health:)  Serving homemade chicken noodle soup, washing my hands like a fiend, cloroxing everything, and keeping it all together.  That is until Friday morning when I woke up and knew I was sunk...the flu!  AWFUL!
I am so humbled by these past few days and all that we are able to accomplish when we have our health and our energy is "normal".  So I wanted to take a minute today to reflect on the amazing gift so many of us are given...our health.  We are so blessed to be able to get out of bed each day..even when we may not "want" to, we can:) I am so grateful for the boundless energy I have each day to take care of my family and to help others!  This flu bug served as a GREAT reminder just how blessed I am!  Thank you GOD for my energy, my health, and my ability to take care of myself and so many others!!!!!!

I miss my manic energy  LOL


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